Today’s Word With Joel & Victoria Osteen – Garment Of Praise


“Provide for those who grieve…a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”
Isaiah 61:3, NIV


What are you wearing today? Not on your physical body, but what’s covering your mind and emotions? Are you clothed with despair and disappointment? Are you wearing “heaviness?”

If you’ve recently gone through a hurtful or disappointing situation, the Bible says there is a time to grieve. It’s important to go through that process and release the hurt to God. But the Bible also says that God wants to give you a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness or despair. He wants to exchange your hurt for His healing. He wants to fill you with His peace and joy.

Are the garments of yesterday holding you back and weighing you down? Maybe it’s time to exchange that heaviness for His garment of praise. Maybe it’s time to release those heavy burdens. It’s time to forgive those who have hurt you and begin to praise your way into a new season. Start right now by thanking Him for the life you have today. Thank Him for the opportunities today has to offer. Thank Him for the beautiful sunrise. Put on the garment of praise and release the spirit of heaviness.


“Father, I humbly come to You giving You my old garments of despair and heaviness. Make me new today. Give me a garment of praise so that I can joyfully embrace the new season You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s Word With Joel & Victoria Osteen – God Is On Your Side


“…If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31, NIV


As a believer in Jesus and a child of His, God is on your side today! If you haven’t thought about it yet today, remember, you were created for greatness. You have the seed of Almighty God inside of you. There is no obstacle that can stop you. There is no disadvantage that can hold you back! You’re in the palm of God’s hand, and He has equipped and empowered you for everything.

When God is on your side, He sets the right people in your path. In fact, He’s already released favor into your future. He’s planning for you to come into new seasons of increase. He has a plan for victory in every area of your life!

Let that sink down into your heart today. Begin to expect His favor. Expect Him to work in your life. Focus on the fact that God has equipped you. He has anointed you. Your best days are still out in front of you! If God is for you, no one can rise against you! Meditate on this promise so you can walk in the favor and victory God has in store for you!


“Father, thank You for being on my side today. Thank You for equipping and empowering me to accomplish everything You’ve called me to. Give me a revelation of Your love for me today in Jesus’ name. Amen.